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Tuck the tiny Toros into bed and trek over to the meeting.
What is Dad's Club?

Dads Club is a collection of dads at Tarwater that are working to "build" a great school through community building and service projects. We do everything from putting on community events such as movie nights, painting, fixing computers, moving heavy things, moving light things, reaching things in high places, fundraising, tightening screws and just enjoying hanging out together. 


It is a low commitment opportunity that requires no particular skill.


It is a great way to get to get connected with other families at the school and meetings are more fun than business.


What: Projects, Community, Camaraderie

Where: Barros Pizza (Alma School/Germann)

When: 8:30pm on the 3rd Thursday of every month

How: Just show up or send an email.



So come to the meeting... check it out... see if you can help!
If you plan on attending, please shoot a quick email and let us know if you can make it, so we can plan for the room.
That email is good for any other questions too.





















It’s all about the kids!
2019-20 Dads Club Logo.jpg
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